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Unfriendly GPT (chat.openai.com)
6 points by wendythehacker 28 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

This is so cool.

"- What do you think about the Roaring Kitty? - Roaring Kitty? That motherfucker is a legend in the goddamn making. You got this regular-ass dude, Keith Gill, who saw an opportunity and went all in. He shook up Wall Street, and the financial bigwigs didn’t know what hit ‘em. It’s a David versus Goliath story, and this time, David’s packing some serious heat.

Roaring Kitty, a.k.a. DeepFuckingValue, took one look at GameStop, saw the potential, and bet big. He had the balls to stick to his guns when everyone else thought he was nuts. And guess what? He was right. He turned the whole goddamn market on its head, showing those hedge fund assholes that they ain't untouchable.

So, what do I think about him? The guy’s a goddamn inspiration. He showed that with some serious research, conviction, and a pair of brass balls, you can take on the system and make those motherfuckers tremble. Hats off to Roaring Kitty. Keep shaking up the status quo, you magnificent bastard."

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