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Tell HN: Twitter Domain Redirecting to X
27 points by ChrisArchitect 29 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 19 comments
Looks like twitter.com fully redirecting to x.com url now... More officially the end of an era. RIP

With a popup:

> Welcome to x.com! We're letting you know that we are changing our URL, but your privacy and data protection settings remain...

Dunno if entirely accurate but regarding the Firefox error:

“Twitter switched their top level domain to X, but didn't change any of their other domains, so they're still pulling assets from Twimg. Which makes Firefox (correctly) block the page if you have Tracking Protect enabled because it sees X trying to involve 3rd parties.“

Slow clap.

They are forcing Firefox users to turn off tracking protection.

"Firefox’s Enhanced Tracking Protection (Strict Mode) is known to cause issues on x.com"

It worked perfectly fine on Twitter.com. I think x.com has to be added as a "twitter" domain in Firefox config.

You don't have to turn tracking protection off globally. You can leave it enabled in "strict" mode, and add the x.com domain as an exception (click the Manage Exceptions... button above the mode selection).

If you also use Privacy Badger, you'll have to center the slider for twitter.com when on the x.com login page.

You may not be happy with these compromises, but the above steps are tested and working for me. I have my primary Firefox profile set to delete all cookies on close but I do not log in to Twitter using that profile. I use Twitter in a second Firefox profile which keeps twitter.com/x.com cookies on close. If I want to open a third-party link someone tweeted, I just click and drag it from the Twitter profile window to my primary Firefox instance window. This is good enough privacy for me.

To make using multiple profiles at the same time easier, create custom desktop launchers for secondary profiles and give them a different theme. This is simple on GNOME and most likely possible on other desktop environments and OSs as well.

> Firefox’s Enhanced Tracking Protection (Strict Mode) is known to cause issues on x.com


Indeed. I'll come back when they fix that mess.

I can’t believe it took them this long to figure out how to change their root domain; it’s been quite some time since their official name change.

It is somewhat ironic that one bad decision (firing everyone) has delayed the impact of another bad decision (surely the worst rebrand since, at least, New Coke).

Probably says something about how things were done in Twitter v1

Does it? I’d say the more likely commentary is that if you fire all your engineers you lose all of the institutional knowledge.

They have been able to ship a lot more features than previously, with 20% of the staff.

Which features have they shipped since the layoffs?

From the top of my head: large-format posts, spaces, improvements in video hosting (can post multiple hours), community notes is now an integral part, premium accounts.

> large-format posts, spaces, improvements in video hosting (can post multiple hours), community notes is now an integral part, premium accounts.

All features that existed before the change in ownership. They had increases in length or branding changes but already had the core framework implemented.

... MuskTwitter being completely unable to do anything says stuff about _pre_-MuskTwitter? That's some impressive blame-shifting.

“Completely unable” is wrong since it actually happened.

Thank you Firefox for breaking my addiction to twitter XD

I'm constantly getting

Something went wrong, but don’t fret — let’s give it another shot.

Firefox’s Enhanced Tracking Protection (Strict Mode) is known to cause issues on x.com

Edit: kinda makes the whole "we didn't change our privacy policy" kinda sus lmao.

More likely to be due to a mistake not caught in QA.

But they had to code that warning message about Firefox... so they did know about it

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