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Farfalle – Open-source AI-powered search engine (farfalle.dev)
59 points by stanislavb 20 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 16 comments

Seems to be using a mysterious "over 20 sites" sourcing <https://docs.tavily.com/docs/tavily-api/introduction#how-doe...> using selenium <https://github.com/assafelovic/gpt-researcher/blob/9940d811f...> then sprinkled with AI magick, followed by this project's moar AI magick

I truly don't understand what Farfalle offers over tavily, but maybe it's just a side hustle and I'm looking at it from the wrong perspective

hey I made this, the repo now supports running models locally. check it out here: https://github.com/rashadphz/farfalle

I recognize that everyone's process is their own, but PyCharm <https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/download/#:~:text=PyCharm%...> is Open Source (Apache 2) and will catch the most amazing bugs https://github.com/rashadphz/farfalle/commit/1b1d9909e7e9821... https://github.com/rashadphz/farfalle/commit/c7a9addc4a1c587...

In the many years at work I got so used to jetbrains ides, that I also now buy a license yearly for personal use. Datagrip is probably my favorite database explorer.

If you haven't seen it, their "all you can eat" license <https://www.jetbrains.com/all/> is also a fantastic deal, especially for dabbling in open source projects which are in languages I don't use every day like RubyMine or RustRover

Yup, that’s the one I have! Mostly only use IntelliJ Ultimate and Datagrip.

Their subscription model also seems pretty clever to get me to renew every year. You get a perpetual license forever for the version that’s available during your subscription, but there’s also a “40% continuity discount”. Basically, as long as you renew it yearly, it’s 40% off from the standard price. $173 vs $289, which is imo allright for a tool you use often.


Thanks for considering local llms!

What makes this a "search engine" any more than GPT already is?

So this is an alternative to perplexity?

yes, but currently working on support for local models

anyone got a cached results page so we can look at it? getting at capacity errors

hey I made this! I woke up and all of my search credits + open ai credits were spent, which is why there are capacity errors now. I'm working on fixing this now but here is a video demo I posted on reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/OpenAI/comments/1ctcncj/farfalle_op...

I can't believe that "what is farfalle?" wasn't cached--maybe requests to their cache is overwhelmed.

As for the pasta TIL they're known both as butterflies and bow-ties. Just noticed the onomapia--could be why opera is sung in Italian.

Sorry, but no. I can't see this is much more than chatgpt.

Also, it only shows one search result and goes all in on that, so if that is not what I wanted, it's pretty annoying :)

An uncached ChatGPT no-less :D

currently adding the ability to run local models!

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