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Ruby 3.4.0 Preview1 Released (ruby-lang.org)
34 points by ksec 20 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

"Array#each is rewritten in Ruby for better performance"[1] was a surprise for me, with a Ruby implementation being 5.3x faster than the C implementation[2]. YJIT seems magical.

[1] https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/20182

[2] https://github.com/ruby/ruby/pull/6687

Any JIT with good enough performance will do, same has happened in other languages.

Turns out when JIT is good enough, the performance gains are much better than what is wasted marshling and going over the FFI boundary to C code.

Another example, from Android, https://developer.android.com/reference/android/util/FloatMa...

Pretty much the story of .NETs CoreLib, including even the most performance sensitive parts like memcpy/memmove. There’s probably no C++ code left in anything that isn’t JIT, GC and lower level parts of VM.

Given how close modern .NET and C# have come to systems languages like D and Modula-3, among others, it would be interesting as language nerd, to eventually see it fully bootstrapped.

Probably won't happen though, for economical reasons, where to spend development budget.

That is one very incremental update. Seems about right though as Ruby has enough going in n already

Glad to see Ruby still pushing it

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