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The Perl and Raku Conference 2024 is looking for sponsors (perl.com)
28 points by oalders 20 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 13 comments

It's neat to know perl is still going.. I don't have any intention of using it again. But still cool

I like to think of Perl like one of my favourite bands from the 90s/00s that isn't as popular as it once was, but still does interesting things.

What band would it be ?

The first band that comes to mind would be Nada Surf. Their most popular work is probably "Popular", released in 1996, which people might recognize, but is probably the least representative of their overall output. They have put out a lot of quality albums in the meantime and they play really solid club shows. The next album is due this year. A lot of their work in the meantime is stuff I can happily listen to from start to finish. "The Stars are Indifferent to Astronomy" and "You Know Who You Are" are good examples.

Beyond that, I think Travis have put out some really nice material and Buffalo Tom still has a special place in my heart. I'm going to add Teenage Fanclub the list. I believe all of these bands will be touring this year on the merits of recent work. I wouldn't file any of these under nostalgia.


Perhaps a mirror company can help sponsor them, as the wall writing company seemed ineffective.

Or maybe what's needed is an optometrist.

They certainly had the company of Larry Wall in the past ...

Does anyone use Raku? I have never seen a blog post or tweet about it, ever.

If you scroll to the bottom of https://raku.org/ there is a list of a few companies that are successfully using it in production.

There are also some blogs here https://planet.raku.org/

It’s definitely not a popular language but it has some users.

this is a good intro to unicode https://dev.to/bbkr/unicode-vs-utf-4g8c (it uses raku for many of the examples due to raku's unicode capabilities)

I don't think so. Perl is still used at many companies but Raku is basically dead.

To give you an idea the conference is expected to have 100 attendees.

its still worth a look as an alternative to Python for those whole feel too "constricted" (geddit?)

and has Inline::Perl5 and Inline::Python (and C FFI) so can leverage those eco-systems

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