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You don't get to tell me what I find beautiful.

> You don't get to tell me what I find beautiful

Right. That’s the point. In public spaces, the public has chosen what it believes to be beautiful. Illegal graffiti is one person forcing their aesthetics on everyone.

Plenty of cities have surfaces that are open to being grafitti’d. In those cases, the artists bothered to think about others before taking unilateral action.

Have you chosen what you think is beautiful for your city? Most city decorations are decided by direct action from the council without consultation from the public. Sometimes involving as little as one or two people.

For private property I agree with you, the owners have it how they want to have it.

> Have you chosen what you think is beautiful? Most city decorations are decided by direct action from the council without consultation from the public.

When it’s mattered, I’ve showed up. Or signed petitions saying something is ugly and would benefit from being replaced by just about anything else.

Plenty of communities embrace their mural and graffiti culture. Plenty don’t. Imagine if someone who doesn’t like murals went around whitewashing painted walls.

My city pays graffiti artists to do their thing, but go off.

While I find this specific beautiful, retouched and over-saturated picture beautiful. I'm pretty sure it would look much better without the graffiti, trash and huge puddle in front of it.



Yes because they don't have to be empattic right? And society has to accept any bs they come up with

You know what? You’re right. I guess people should be permanently maimed or disfigured for creating art in a location you disprove of. Keep it up.

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