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Show HN: Shorta, Chrome Web Extension. YouTube Shorts in Their Regular Form
1 point by calebjosue 28 days ago | hide | past | favorite
Given the Software showcased over this section I feel a little bit silly showing this but I think this may help someone somewhere.

There were times in which I found myself watching YouTube shorts and longing for a way to interact with them by going to certain timestamp or changing the short's speed (If following a Blender tutorial/demo for example). It is easy to change yourself the URL, but I thought on presenting this facility as a web extension instead.

You can find the code over here (Very simple): https://github.com/cruiztorresj/shorta/tree/main

And you can see a demo over here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CzmYepiZ0TE

P.S. I couldn't afford five dollars to publish it over the Google Web Store.

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