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Show HN: We built the fastest Android dev ecosystem (dashwave.io)
26 points by supradeux 21 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments
Shipping rates are probably the fastest in Android dev. Ironically, the development cycle is bloated with slow and jarring tools.

With options like Vercel, Gitpod, Stackblitz and many more in web dev available, who take a hard stance on developer productivity, we decided to bring such capabilities to Android dev as well.

We built Dashwave to fundamentally enhance this by bringing fast (like phenomenally fast) builds, in-browser app previews of feature branches and one-click battery-loaded workspaces.

By simply attaching your IDE or repository to the platform, your builds with emulated previews will show up straight up on the browser. Share those previews for instant feedback and PR reviews. Rapidly fix bugs without switching context from in-browser workspaces.

Technically, we achieved this by pretty standard methodologies like distributed caching, interactive streaming, advanced scheduling algorithms and putting in good degrees of optimizations over them. We are hard believers of the first-principles approach.

Give it a run let us know what you think! We are excited to put powerful tools into the hands of exceptional teams.

When i'm select repository, why always alert error dialog? "dashwave is facing some issue"


Apologies for the inconvenience. The platform experienced a sudden surge in traffic so it couldn't assign your project cloud resources. We have upgraded the system now, you can retry right away.

If you still face any issues, please let us know over hello@dashwave.io or https://discord.gg/dDRg7TZ6

Looks pretty interesting! We do quite a lot of Android dev so we will try if this speeds it up, as you are right, they is missing.

Nitpick; don’t say that you ‘respect my privacy’ when you clearly do not; why do you put that annoying pop up if I cannot opt out anyway?

Thanks for the feedback.

We will add the option to `opt-out` right away. Also regardless of the pop-up, we are in the process of getting GDPR compliant so you can stay assured of privacy protection.

Looking forward to you trying it out!

Thanks for you quick response! I was thinking what use this particular pop up has because basically it would not hold up for GDPR, so...

I always wonder; why use evil tech to begin with? So why not avoid it not to please some regulator, but just because it's not needed? Use Plausible for analytics, don't embed Youtube, don't use Recaptcha, no adsense, (feel the google...) etc... What else needs to track/spy on your users that you need when not using dark patterns for this type of application? If you don't use any of it and just put a cookie for necessary purposes, you don't need any banner/popup at all.

Ah good question, it depends. So getting a GDPR compliance requires you to not only put that popup, but also disclose what personal information you are storing, to both the auditor and the user. The anomalies arrive when the users are not careful to read those disclosures and the companies take advantage. In our case, we gather only the user emails from Oauth2 media, which we use to analyse user behaviour and improve the product.

And adding to that, any platform in this domain, if it asks for more personal information, is subject to suspicion as to what they use it for.

looks cool, shareable emulators would be very useful for me. are you planning on supporting capacitor apps?

Love this landing page! Very clean


Hope it brings out the platform's intent well.

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