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Show HN: I made an AI-based domain name generator with availability check (domainnamegenerator.pro)
25 points by bilalasd 15 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 16 comments
This project came from my own personal need.

There are many AI based domain name generators on the market but most of them don't check for availability.

Hopefully it helps someone else.

Do a spell check on your 3 sentences haha, you have "wesbite" in the instructions

Very soon someone will use it (or make a similar one) that routinely analyzes trends on news and social media, creates relevant new domain names then registers them and puts them on sale.

I'm pretty sure someone's already doing it...

The website needs a FAQ page of some sort, for example if the links to register domains are affiliate links to Namecheap, maybe that should be disclosed somewhere.

Will definitely add that.

One idea- you might want to add the option to restrict suggestions to certain TLDs. It suggested a bunch of .xyz, .cc, .guru etc stuff which I'm really not interested in. Otherwise a cool tool!


I have used ChatGPT to generate domain ideas, but this has blown me away.


This tool made really good suggestions that I haven’t thought of. And all domains were free.

Again: wow. Nice work.

Do you get a commission from namecheap?

(And please fix the mobile view, there's overflow in the title)

It suggested tlds that don’t exist, like “.mo” or “.gcheese”

Good idea, however, I think you should add more options such as start, end, or choose the type of domain that is available.

horrible junk domains suggested, many including 0s instead of letter 0 etc thanks but no thanks, etc.

When clicking on a .org domain, the website redirects me to a .org.uk domain on Namecheap.

Same with com.de instead of com

It suggested securedomain.co, but when I clicked it it actually meant securedomain.co.in

It’s a bug. I’ll fix it soon.

Thanks, I ended up purchasing one domain name your software suggested.

Thanks, registered a recommended domain!

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