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So when I scan a server and 666 happens to be open. Nmap will now report “doom” under the “Service” header?

Most people will get a chuckle, but I suspect laymen and even Christian zealots will throw a fit.

Like when a normal person gets an error on their screen and it prints “process closed: child killed by parent”. It will probably raise an eyebrow at the very least, lol.

As a devout Christian who enjoys games like Diablo and Doom, I wanted to offer a different perspective. All of my Christian developer friends (small pool but still large, at around 15 people), including myself, have no issues with tech terms like daemons, master/slave, or killing processes (esp. child processes). Many of us understand the context and humor in technical jargon. In my experience, it's often non-technical people rather than Christians who find these references odd. But then again, what non-technical people run nmap?

Just my .02c :^)

Edit: casing

Why especially child processes?!

My hunch is that because `child` is so common place and suggests no semantic reference to oppression.

Because of male models

Hristos a înviat! Multumesc, brother.

> but I suspect laymen and even Christian zealots will throw a fit.

No doubt.

I was once, back at university so two and a half decades ago, helping someone with accessing stuff on a Unix server (he was not much computer literate at all). He was ahem rather enthusiastically Christian, and unsettled by seeing 666, thinking we'd set it up and were having a jab at him (which, in fairness to his paranoia, some of us might have done).

Those files were on a shared resource so shouldn't have been world writable, or even group writable for that matter, so we did report it (the directory wasn't writeable to me, so I couldn't fix it for them), but not because of the concerns our devout compatriot had!

Superstitious people have been known to throw fits upon seeing the FreeBSD beastie logo: <https://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-chat/2011-Novemb...>

See also: <https://web.archive.org/web/20040821031811/http://monster-is...> (that one is from 1999)

"now"? It's been registered that way since the 90s.

>but I suspect laymen

How many laymen are doing port scans, but also don't know to Google "port 666 doom" when they have a question?

I suspect the number is pretty small. Small enough to not really be a concern.

I think it’s easy to overestimate how thinly skinned most people really are because an exceptional complaint (that’s not easily dismissible) commands attention. (This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, insofar as it’s indicative of sympathy and sensitivity.)

They threw a fit over Doom then got over it almost 30 years ago ;)

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