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FBI seizes hacking forum BreachForums – again (techcrunch.com)
31 points by pseudolus 4 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 14 comments

I feel like putting anime characters behind bars for an FBI seizure notice would have been some kind of 4chan meme fifteen years ago, it somewhat makes me wonder/worry how many FBI agents have spent a significant portion of their free time on 4chan.

I would think a few work there, not sure about their free time.

highly unlikely the "glowies" would prefer to use that board outside of work.

Many poorly written scrapers feeding threat intel feeds probably blew up when this happened.

FBI seizures as platform risk

Mildly related: can someone explain to me how the FBI is allowed to make artwork of BreachForums users behind bars and publish it? Like, sure, they are likely criminals or whatever. But making it and posting it is shockingly unprofessional and if I were in their position (I am not, obviously) I would doubt their lack of prejudice when I am inevitably tried of the crimes they are accusing me of.

Also see

> The Register notes that the FBI appears to be entirely happy depicting its infosec operatives as faceless hoodie-wearers. (https://www.theregister.com/2023/04/05/fbi_seizes_stolen_dat...)

Screenshot: https://regmedia.co.uk/2023/04/05/screenshot_genesis_market_...

They're the agency that is investigating and charging people with the crime-they're not supposed to be neutral. It's the judge and jury that are supposed to be neutral at trial.

They are too biased these days though. The FBI selectively persecutes, so the reason this is frowned upon is because of the latent corruption already in the system.

No one would care if they were impartial.

I'm not sure how that claim has anything to do with this situation. Are you saying the FBI is somehow persecuting BreachForums because of corruption? That doesn't seem very likely to me. It seems much more likely that the FBI are trying to prosecute the people behind BreachForums because it is a marketplace for illicit activity (eg exploits, ransoms etc). The intent is pretty clear is in the name of the forum really.

The FBI has been having fun with sites they shut down since time immemorial. If it wasn't a problem 20~30 years ago it definitely isn't gonna be a problem by now.

You see a similar attitude in the NRO’s mission patches, some of which approach blatant trolling [1].

[1] https://www.nro.gov/news-media-featured-stories/NRO-Patch-Ma...

How this is missing NROL-39 is beyond me

Oh wow, that was literally what I was thinking of when I linked to it!

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