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Plane, open-source Jira alternative, got to 100K+ Docker and 44K+ K8s deploys (plane.so)
66 points by viharkurama 26 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 16 comments

Hi HN,

Vihar here, one of the maintainers at Plane (https://github.com/makeplane/plane).

Last time, we shared how we reached 15K stars on GitHub in less than a year, pushing Plane to the top spot in #project-management. The post received great feedback from the HN community, and we noticed comments about lapses in self-hosting.

We took on the challenge, rethought the entire Docker setup, made it single-click, and provided a maintenance script.

Now, we share our journey to over 100K+ Docker pulls and 44K+ K8 deploys in this blog. Please let us know what we could improve.

Hope you enjoy the article. Feedback welcome!


Holy crap, that one time deal until the 20th is a deal!

Couple of >100 comment >100 vote submissions for Plane in the last year, if anyone's interested in looking at previous comments,

https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36824450 https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36129594 https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38624873

Very happy to see this project thriving.

Thanks for sharing.

This looks so much better than everything out there.

Only thing that irritates me is sso being locked behind a paid offering. No one should be required to pay for proper security when you offer a free option.

It's annoying that SSO is behind a paid offering, but it is mostly a convenience feature and you don't need it "for proper security"; so I can understand it being used as a way to monetize an open-source product.

It's interesting someone gets irritated when other people don't give you free food, not to mention teach them how food should be free.

Honestly, it looks like it would take pretty minimal effort to just enable SSO yourself. It's not like they can do anything to stop you, right?

So, we have got the following project management software (including plane.so) on HN main page in the last 48 hours:

- https://www.openproject.org/

- https://worklenz.com/

- https://plane.so/

very cool!

we use GitHub issues/projects and we're pretty happy with it. Github invested a lot to revamp projects over the past 3 years and it shows. would love to hear from anyone who's tried both how these compare.

GitHub imposes numerous limitations on custom fields, issue automation, dashboards, workflow rules, and more. Being open-source, Plane offers significant advantages to our customers by providing opportunities for learning and by striving to develop a tool that caters to the diverse needs of individuals and teams, facilitating progress.

Just as an example, while GitHub projects is great, tools like Plane (with bi-directional sync)/ZenHub still are trying to do a better job.

Works great for me. GitHub issues and projects along with their integration with pull requests capture enough fidelity that I don't think you need anything else at all.

If you have lots of non technical people than it would require for them to be part of the GitHub organization hence paying more per user is just one downside however.

Anyone have thoughts about the usability of this vs Linear, especially when it comes to simplicity and UI performance?

Linear is an opinionated tool for product teams. At Plane, we strive to develop a versatile tool that accommodates teams of all sizes and types.

For example, Linear begins with the creation of a team, whereas we initiate with the creation of a project, subsequently integrating teams as needed. Currently, Plane is being utilized by a spectrum of users, ranging from small indie game developers to large enterprises. In Linear, the starting point always revolves around forming a team.

It’s confusing to me that the pricing says it’s per user if you self host the pro tier?

We also offer a one-time perpetual license for growing teams (Plane One: https://plane.so/one), while the Pro and other plans (which come with AI) are designed for large companies; we follow the same pricing model as GitLab.

Additionally, there's always a free community edition available, which doesn't restrict the number of users.

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