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Ask HN: Quick Visual Site Builders?
1 point by vector_spaces 27 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments
What's the move now for a visual site builder? My minimum requirements are that I don't have to write much/any code but it isn't terribly ugly out of the box. Basically I want to be able to go from idea to being able to send a prospect a working link as quickly as possible.

Ideally there's some hope of easily integrating payments/shopping carts, but that's not actually a hard requirement for me.

I don't care to deal with any infrastructure or write much/any code or markup if it can be helped. I'm OK with paying a premium for some convenience.

I'm familiar with:

- Wix

- Google Sites

- Wordpress

- Framer

- Webflow

- Carrd.co

Any others I should know about? Are there any among these that you would recommend? Any I should avoid?

Happy to hear any and all hot takes on this

If you just need quick landing page than instapage is by far the easiest to spin up.

If you are looking to build a robust site with a shopping cart go with webflow, they have an e-commerce offering.

I hope I helped :-;

Nice, thank you!

You’re very welcome ;-)

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