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Would you care if a repo had random commit message? (chat.openai.com)
2 points by andrewfromx 19 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments


Sure, it's a timesaver for you until it isn't. When someone needs to rollback your changes or wants to find something specific.

As long as humans have to have a history of your commit this is an insane egoistic approach and totally lacks any kind of empathy.

Considering how easy it is today to use AI for the commitmessage (so you would not have to spend a second on it) i don't understand this approach.

If you would ask every team member and your bosses if it is okay to do it like this and they say: yo - then if you really insist to do it, but like this?

I would certainly care if I'm trying to track down a bug, and am going down commits made to the relevant part of the codebase.

Not sure why you'd admit to doing a bad job, on purpose, in public.

i made a bash alias like

randomMessage | git commit -a -F -

where randomMessage just spits out one of the 20 from link. I just love not having to ever think about the message. It's been 6 months and not a single complaint from anyone about how the message doesn't always match what I committed.

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