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UK mining giant to offload De Beers diamond business (bbc.com)
13 points by e2e4 26 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

Cool. Crash the price already. I want my diamond butter knife that cuts chilled butter like ... butter, due to insanely high heat conductivity.

Dimaonds, dimonds... Catchy head title...

But just read with what they replacing it: "copper, [...] iron ore and crop nutrients" ! :)

That is something to think about.

PSA: Don't buy diamonds. Their prices are kept artificially high through the De Beers cartel.

Historalical reading: https://www.edwardjayepstein.com/diamond/prologue.htm

Diamonds are the OG crypto currency and De Beers cryptobros. Diamonds are finite and someone decides to argue that that fact by itself makes them valuable while at the same time mining as much as they can.

Diamonds used to be finite. Now, we can make as many as we want.

Jewelry companies are trying their best to convince people that there’s a difference between lab-grown and “natural” diamonds.

> Diamonds used to be finite. Now, we can make as many as we want.

Same with crypto. There was only bitcoin, now there's as many as you want, and some people pretend that worthless thing A is different from worthless thing B.

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