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Are people really not seeing Apple's actual plan? They've been giving clues for their future products over a decade.

iPhone 5 introduced swipe-from-the-side gesture -> to make people accustomed to that gesture for future larger screen iPhones.

AR in iPhone -> allowed developers to get used to developing AR apps for Apple Vision Pro.

Apple's Catalyst and ARM chips being on both iPads and Macs - do you follow? We're going to see an iPad-thin computer that is both an iPad and a Mac that will seamlessly switch between these two modes, since the apps will be "adaptable/responsive". Without needing to reload a different OS for each. This is the kind of product that only Apple's vertical integration of hardware and software makes possible. Also, since they've *already* started this plan way long ago. In a way, it's already here, they just need to finish the puzzle.

If that's the plan, they are moving too slowly on it. As this Manifesto thoroughly documents.

They need to make iPad Pro a multi-OS device. Or make the iPad version of iOS a true professional operating system. Right now, they're not showing progress on either front.

The infrastructure is already there, and it's been that way for a while.

> This is the kind of product that only Apple's vertical integration of hardware and software makes possible.

Like Windows 10's tablet mode, you mean?

No, exactly the example that demonstrate what I mean. These in-house, powerful M silicone allows them to create very thin iPad-like, long battery usage products with the power of a Mac. Can you say the same about the Surface Pro line? Is it as thin with no fans and lasts for 20 hours?

BTW, The thin and light part is very important, actually. If you're going to make a Mac that is also an iPad, it first needs to be an iPad - and that is thin and light to be used by picking up with hands.

Windows 8 tried to live that ethos but failed in almost every way. It tried to mix the different modes of use (iPad & Mac) into one. That's not what I expect Apple will do. It's going to be more like - once you attach a keyboard, you'll be automatically in Mac mode, once you remove it, you will return to iPadOS mode, immediately, seamlessly - since they will be the same OS (that shows up completely differently depending on the mode)

Oh one hand it is annoying that Apple gets credit for inventing things when what they really tend to do is just do a good implementation of an idea that is already being bounced around by other companies.

On the other, Windows 10 has a tablet mode? I knew they tried that with 8, but I thought it was bad enough that even MS would give up.

They seem to have have deemphasized it, but it's still there under Settings -> System -> Tablet -> Change additional tablet settings -> Tablet mode.

It basically reverts to the Windows 8 UI.

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