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> some compromises would need to be made

That doesn't seem to make sense though, as the iPad Pro hardware is completely able to do what the err... macOS-wanters er... want. It's the software side (OS mostly) completely blocking forward progress.

Compare the hardware specs between the iPad and the Laptops.

The laptops have significantly larger batteries and active cooling, while not being as light, thin or running a display against the main heat producing components, while the iPad is thinner than an iPod nano.

But by all means promote a trivially debunked conspiracy theory.

> ... trivially debunked conspiracy theory.

Where's this debunking you're speaking of, or are you mistakenly thinking your mention of batteries and cooling is somehow that?

No - it's the part where you assert something conspicuously dim-witted and expect others to nod along without question.

Go on, where's your evidence.

You're the one making wild claims, inaccurate ones at that, so you're the one needing to provide evidence. ;)

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