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Musk's SpaceX is quick to build in Texas, slow to pay its bills (reuters.com)
18 points by duxup 8 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 13 comments

This seems like a pattern with some of Musk's businesses.. (look at Twitter for example)

Yup. I did some visualization work for Boring Co and had to hassle the office manager to pay me. Even did it at below market for the novelty, so you'd think they'd be happy to settle up.

Eventually he is going to end up with no one outside of his companies willing to do contract work for him because he has gained such a reputation for not paying

You’d like to think so, but Trump has also long had such a reputation (long before politics) and it doesn’t seem to have hurt him.

Everyone thinks they are special and it's different with them

2.5 million?

> two dozen companies that have filed at least 72 liens since 2019 against sites developed by SpaceX and its contractors

Curious what is the rate of liens for other businesses with a similar amount of construction. Disputes are not exactly uncommon in the construction industry…

I’m not sure about Texas, but in many other places, liens are one of the first things a contractor does (often before they start work).

> Well, @Reuters is known to be the absolute dumbest news organization

- Elon


> The Guardian sucks donkey eggplantemoji

> Strong candidate for most misanthropic publication on Earth!

- Elon

Tell us how you really feel Elon :D

2.5 million?

Old Latin Proverb: The strong do what they will, the weak suffer what they must.

This isn't an example though

"Reuters couldn't determine for every lien whether outstanding bills were owed by SpaceX or by one of its contractors who commissioned work or materials on its behalf."

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