There probably is, since I believe tensors were basically borrowed from Physics at some point. But it's probably not of much practical use today, unless you want to explore Penrose's ideas about microtubules or something similarly exotic.
Gains in AI and compute can probably be be brought back to physics and chemistry to do various computations, though, and not limited to only protein folding, which is the most famous use case now.
For what it's worth, the idea of a "tensor" in ML is pretty far removed from any physical concept. I don't know its mathematical origins (would be interesting I'm sure), but in ML they're only involved because that's our framework for dealing with multi-linear transformations.
Most NNs work by something akin to "(multi-)linear vector transformation, followed by elementwise nonlinear transformation", stacked over and over so that the output of one layer becomes the input of the next. This applies equally well to simple models like "fully-connected" / "feed-forward" networks (aka "multi-layer perceptron") and to more-sophisticated models like transformers (e.g.
It's less about combining lots of tiny local linear transformations piecewise, and more about layering linear and non-linear transformations on top of each other.
I don't really know how physics works beyond whatever Newtonian mechanics I learned in high school. But unless the underlying math is similar, then I'm hesitant to run too far with the analogy.
I realized that my other answer may have come off as rambling for someone not at all familiar with modern physics. Here's a summary:
Most modern physics, including Quantum Mechanics (QM) and General Relativity (GR) is represented primarily through "tensor fields" on a type of topological spaces called "manifolds". Tensor fields are like vector fields, just with tensors instead of vectors.
These tensor fields are then constrained by the laws of physics. At the core, these laws are really not so much "forces" as they're symmetries. The most obvious symmetries is that if you rotate or move all objects within a space, the physics should be unaltered. Now if you also insist that the speed of light should be identical in all frames of reference, you basically get Special Relativity (SR) from that.
The forces of electromagnetism, weak and strong force follow from invariance under the combined U(1) x SU(2) x SU(3) symmetries. (Gravity is not considered a real force in General Relativity (GR), but rather as interaction between spacetime and matter/energy, and what we observe as Gravity is similar to time dilation of SR, but with curved space)
Ok. This may be abstract if you're not familiar with it, and even more if you're not familiar with Group Theory. But it will be referenced further down.
"Manifolds" are a subset of topological spaces that are Euclidian or "flat" locally. This flatness is important, because it's basically (if I understand it correctly myself) the reason why we can use linear algebra for local effects.
I will not go into GR here, since that's what I know least well, but instead focus on QM which describes the other 3 forces.
In QM, there is the concept of the "Wave Function" which is distributed over space-time. This wave-function is really a tensor with components that give rise to observable fields, such as magnetism, the electric field and to the weak and strong forces. (The tensor is not the observed fields directly, but a combination of a generalization of the fields and also analogues to electric charge, etc.)
So how physics calculations tends to be done, is that one starts with assuming something like an initial state, and then impose the symmetries that correspond to the forces. For instance, two electrons wavefunctions may travel towards the same point from different directions.
The symmetries will then dictate what the wave function looks like at at each later incremental point in time. Computationally, such increments are calculated for each point in space using tensor multiplication.
While this is "local" in space, points in space immediately next to the point we're calculating for need to be include, kind of like for convolutional nets.
Basically, though, it's in essence a tensor multiply for each point in space to propagate the wave function from one point in time to the immediate next point.
Eventually, once the particles have (or have not) hit each other, the wave functions of each will scatter in all directions. The probability for it to go in any specific direction is proportional to the wave function amplitude in that direction, squared.
Since doing this tensor multiplication for every point in space requires infinite compute, a lot of tricks are used to reduce the computation. And this where a lot of our intuitions about "particles" show up. For simple examples, one can even do very good approximations using calculus. But fundamentally, tensor multiplication is the core of Quantum Mechanics.
This approach isn't unique to QM, though. A lot of other Physics is similar. For instance, solid state physics, lasers or a lot of classical mechanics can be described in similar frameworks, also using tensors and symmetry groups. (My intuition is that this still is related to Physics involving local effects on "locally flat" Manifolds)
And this translates all the way up to how one would do the kind of simulations of aspects of physical worlds that happen in computer games inside GPU's, including the graphics parts.
And here I believe you may see how the circle is starting to close. Simulations and predictions of physical systems at many different levels of scale and abstraction tend to reduce to tensor multiplication of various sorts. While the classical physics one learns in high school tend to have problems solvable with calculus, even those are usually just solutions to problems that are fundamentally linear algebra locally.
While game developers or ML researches initially didn't use the same kind of Group Theory machinery that Physics have adapted, at least the ML side seem to be going in that direction, based on texts such as:
(There appears to be a lot of similar findings over the last 5-6 years or so, that I wasn't fully aware of).
In the book above, the methodology used is basically identical to how theoretical physics approach similar problems, at least for networks that describe physical reality (which CNNs tends to be good for)
And here is my own (current) hypothesis why this also seems to be extendable to things like LMM, that do not at face value appear like physics problems:
If we assume that the human brain evolved the ability to navigate the physical world BEFORE it developed language (should be quite obvious), it should follow that the type of compute fabric in the brain should start out as optimized for the former. In practice, that means that at the core, the neural network architecture of the brain should be good at doing operations similar to tensor products (or approximations of such).
And if we assume that this is true, it shouldn't be surprising that when we started to develop languages, those languages would take on a form that were suitable to be processed in compute fabric similar to what was already there. To a lesser extent, this could even be partially used to explain why such networks can also produce symbolic math and even computer code.
Now what the brain does NOT seem to be evolved to do, is what traditional Turing Machine computers are best at, namely do a lot very precise procedural calculations. That part is very hard for humans to learn to do well.
So in other words, the fact that physical systems seem to involve tensor products (without requiring accuracy) may be the explanation to why Neural Networks seem to have a large overlap with the human brain in terms of strengths and weaknesses.
My understanding (as a data engineer with a MSc in experimental particle physics a long time a ago), is that the math representation is structurally relatively similar, with the exception that while ML tensors are discrete, QM tensors are multi-dimensional arrays locally but are defined as a field over continous space.
Tensors in Physics are also subject to various "gauge" symmetries. That means that physical outcomes should not change if you rotate them in various ways. The most obvious is that you should be able to rotate or translate the space representation without changing the physics. (This leads to things like energy/momentum conservation).
The fundamental forces are consequences of some more abstract (at the surface) symmetries (U(1) x SU(2) x SU(3)). These are just constrains on the tensors, though. Maybe these constraints can be in the same family as backprop, though I don't know how far that analogy goes.
In terms of representation, the spacetime part of Physics Tensors is also treated as continous. Meaning that when, after doing all the matrix multiplication, you come to some aggregation step of calculations, you aggregate by integrating instead of summing over spacetime (you sum over the discrete dimensions). Obviously though, for when doing the computation in a computer, even integration reduces to summing if you don't have an exact solution.
In other words, it seems to me that what I originally replied to, namely the marvel about how much of ML is just linear algebra / matrix multiplication IS relatively analogous to how brute force numerical calculations over quantum fields would be done. (Theoretical Physicists generally want analytic solutions, though, so generally look for integrals that are analytically solvable).
Both domains have steps that are not just matrix multiplication. Specifically, Physics tend to need a sum/integral when there is an interaction or the wave function collapses (which may be the same thing). Though even sums can be expressed as dot products, I suppose.
As mentioned, Physics will try to solve a lot of the steps in calculations analytically. Often this involves decomposing integrals that cannot be solved into a sum of integrals where the lowest order ones are solvable and also tend to carry most of the probability density. This is called perturbation theory and is what gives rise to Feynmann diagrams.
One might say that for instance a convolution layer is a similar mechanic. While fully connected nets of similar depth MIGHT theoretically be able to find patterns that convolutions couldn't, they would require an impossibly large amount of compute to do so, and also make regularization harder.
Anyway, this may be a bit hand-wavy from someone who is a novice at both quantum field theory and neural nets. I'm sure there are others out there that know both fields much better than me.
Btw, while writing this, I found the following link that seems to take the analogy between quantum field theory and CNN nets quite far (I haven't had time to read it)
I browsed the linked book/article above a bit, and it's a really close analogy to how physics is presented.
That includes how it uses Group Theory (especially Lie Algebra) to describe symmetries, and to use that to explain why convolutional networks work as well as they do for problems like vision.
The notation (down to what latin and greek letters are used) makes it obvious that this was taken directly from Quantum Mechanics.