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Show HN: Simplify Your Podcast Sharing with Skill Piper (skillpiper.com)
1 point by sanmak 30 days ago | hide | past | favorite
Hey HN,

We're thrilled to introduce SkillPiper — a game-changing platform explicitly designed for podcasters like you who want to streamline their sharing process and maximize their audience reach.

Why Skill Piper?

Imagine updating all your listeners across every platform with just one link. Skill Piper allows you to create a single, shareable link that directs your audience to your podcast on their preferred platform. No more cluttered messages or posts with multiple links. One link is all it takes!

Here’s What You Need to Know:

- Totally Free: There’s no cost to use Skill Piper. It’s 100% free.

- Easy to Set Up: You only need your Podcast Apple ID to create your unique link. For example https://skillpiper.com/share/your_podcast_apple_id

- Maximize Your Reach: With just one link, you make it easier for your listeners to access your podcast on their preferred platforms, increasing your visibility and listener numbers.

- Customize As You Like: We understand that every podcast is unique.

- SEO Optimization: Our links are SEO-friendly, helping improve your podcast’s visibility on search engines.

Let us know if you need any customizations or personal touches to your link or its landing page. I'll be more than happy to accommodate your specific needs to make sure your podcast shines.

We’d love to hear your thoughts and feedback. How can we improve SkillPiper to serve the podcasting community better? What features would you like to see next?

Looking forward to your comments and discussions!

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