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Seriously stop posting f-ing paywalls. At least post an archived version with it.

Such bad form

This was settled many years ago (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10178989): if there's a workaround, it's ok. Users usually post workarounds in the thread.

This is in the FAQ: https://news.ycombinator.com/newsfaq.html.

Just because you are allowed to shit in your living room does not mean it’s good form

I concur, screw the policy that was decided unilaterally anyhow. I never got the point of posting an article to a discussion board knowing it has a paywall that prevents a lot of people from engaging with it, unless you are some sort of a shill account looking to pad subscriptions. If archive posts are tolerated, probably in violation of publishers wishes anyhow, might as well pin these comments or even replace the link.

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