Are you suggesting we've got a statistically valid sample of Android users here to suggest that drive-by RCE exploits that have been published and patched on modern Android devices are essentially just a fantasy and aren't actually concerns at all for unpatched devices? And that the people in this sample would always clearly know their device was compromised?
FWIW, while I don't think I personally had an Android device hacked, I do think I've had family members with devices potentially hacked. One family member running an older version of Android continued to have lots of accounts constantly getting stolen despite using a password manager and unique complicated passwords. Pretty much any time they'd be logged in to an app there would begin to be fraudulent orders or other mischief on that service. They never installed shady apps. Rotate the password on another device, no problems for a while. Log in on the phone again and within a day or two have the mischief start again. All that stopped after replacing the device.
Another family member started getting popover ads on their device despite not having any odd apps installed that would be the cause. Even after a "factory reset" the popover ads continued to plague the device, as if it was embedded in the ROM.
Considering how many vulnerabilities have been in the media stack of Android, all that would take would be an image or an autoplay video on a website.