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Australian army whistleblower jailed for leaking documents (bbc.com)
23 points by haunter 26 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

of all the crimes committed by Australians in Iraq, the only person to go to jail killed or endangered no one.

some of those who were found to have committed serious crimes harming enemy non-combatants were awarded medals, including the highest honor available.

meanwhile, PWC stole Australian government secrets (tax policy they were helping to draft while being richly paid as contractors), treasonously gave them to foreign multinationals, who used this info to steal hundreds of millions of dollars from the Australian tax revenue. PWC refused to provide details in Parliamentary questioning, got a slap on the wrist and today were awarded another major government contract.

don't tell me Australia has little or no corruption, it's corruption on such a grand scale that it is conducted in broad daylight.

Check out the BoyBoy video on this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYt4CxFfQUU

They recently tried to sneak onto one of the American bases in Australia.

American prosecution on Australian soil throughout.

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