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Copilot Disable (ignaciobrasca.com)
2 points by warkanlock 18 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

This is one of my main issues with AI from someone who hasn't actually used it in my work. I personally believe that doing is key to thinking. Yes, even things you don't want to do, like writing boilerplate or parsing a string for the 20th time develops your thinking, it just depends on what kind of thinking you want to build, really. Like muscles, not doing things allows skills to atrophy.

That's the biggest thing I loathe of AI, is that it will make "skilled" people de-skill themselves and it's why I haven't used it yet.

It does.

But again ancient greeks complained writing would make people deskill their memory abilities.

And it did.

Yet we don't regret it.

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