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From computer science, read the title of the paper “attention is all you need” ;)

That’s not true of course, but motivation is key. Do they actually read the books, do they solve the problems themselves? Or do they read the summary before filling in the multiple choice question? The first stimulates learning, the latter temporary memorization

No, I think there is more to it then people what to admit. For example, there is a lot of comorbidity between ADHD and narcissism. There might be less social stigma about being the quirky inattentive ADHDer rather then the selfish narcissist but they are both attention disorders in some way. MRI scans of people diagnosed with NPD show that there brains prefer their dreams over reality. Meaning, there is a pathway in your brain for sensory information (exteroception) and a pathway for predictions your brain makes (interoception). For people with ADHD and NPD their interoception will often overwrite their exteroception when there is a conflicting signal.

Ooh! This is exactly what I see in my teens' friends - a preference for their fantasy world over reality. Do you have a reference?

Sorry, I can't find it anymore. I got it from the youtube channel by Sam Vaknin. He is a convicted coin man with NPD, so take everything he says with a grain of salt. That having said, his work tend to lack the sort of victim pandering you see in other narcissism "experts".

EDIT: there are a number of other studies on google scholar linking ADHD to psychopathy (in prison populations), just not the one with the fMRI scans.

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