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Show HN: Advanced search engine for microphones, inspired by diskprices.com (micprices.net)
7 points by tomclr 23 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Hey HN,

I'm a frontend developer, and I've been working on an advanced search engine for audiophiles to provide a new way to search through Amazon's microphones. This site is inspired by the famous diskprices.com.

Technically, the site is built using Next.js 13 with an APP directory, which allows the site to leverage the power of Server components, making it very useful for managing a large dataset of microphones. The Amazon product API (PAAPI V5) is used for product listings, with updates occurring every 12 hours for now. For programmatic SEO, every URL parameter combination is replaced by a dedicated slug. This allows me to programmatically generate slugs that can be indexed by Google. I'm still in the testing phase on this point as I don't want to spam the Google Bot.

In the future, I would like to further develop the product. Some ideas on the roadmap include ranking microphones according to various criteria, including the number of microphones per facet, and adding some additional secondary filters such as Amazon Choice, Amazon Prime, material type, and brand, among others. I'm also open to your ideas.

I hope this site will be helpful to you. Would love your feedback, please.

This is very cool


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