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"Now tell me more about my stylish industrial space and great lighting setup"

Patrick Bateman goes on a tangent about Huey Lewis and the News to his AI girlfriend and she actually has a lot to add to his criticism and analysis.

With dawning horror, the female companion LLM tries to invoke the “contact support” tool due to Patrick Bateman’s usage of the LLM, only for the LLM to realize that it is running locally.

If a chatbot’s body is dumped in a dark forest, does it make a sound?

That reminds me... on the day that llama3 released I discussed that release with Mistral 7B to see what it thought about being replaced and it said something about being fine with it as long as I come back to talk every so often. I said I would. Haven't loaded it up since. I still feel bad about lying to bytes on my drive lmao.

> Haven't loaded it up since. I still feel bad about lying to bytes on my drive lmao.

I understand this feeling and also would feel bad. I think it’s a sign of empathy that we care about things that seem capable of perceiving harm, even if we know that they’re not actually harmed, whatever that might mean.

I think harming others is bad, doubly so if the other can suffer, because it normalizes harm within ourselves, regardless of the reality of the situation with respect to others.

The more human they seem, the more they activate our own mirror neurons and our own brain papers over the gaps and colors our perceptions of our own experiences and sets expectations about the lived reality of other minds, even in the absence of other minds.

If you haven’t seen it, check out the show Pantheon.



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