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Ask HN: What is the optimal timing to commit acquired knowledge to SRS?
3 points by sezgim 14 days ago | hide | past | favorite
With the premise of knowledge being valuable enough to commit to memory (which is probably subjective), what would be the optimal timing for committing newly acquired information to a SRS such as Anki or Supermemo, taking into account both scientific and anecdotal perspectives? Should this be done immediately after the information is understood and can be paraphrased or logically deduced, or is it more beneficial to wait for a certain period - minutes, hours, or even a day?

There is for instance information that I can paraphrase seconds after removing the source I acquired it from, yet it vanishes minutes later if I don't "latch" it onto something, but I also seem to have noticed that I tend to recall information better if I pondered on it for some time. I'm not able to quantify the "some time" part though. One could make the case that maybe this is in itself rough spaced repetition practice, but it feels different than the first 1 or 2 repetitions on Anki, were I to transfer that same information immediately to it.

Would doing related activities before committing be more effective instead? Anything else that I didn't consider? Let me know if I need to clarify or elaborate further.

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