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2 points by antonkal 14 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments
What questions should I ask the lecturer during my 2 day Agile training event.

There are no agile trainings, only agile indoctrinations. Not that you can't have a bit of fun with them (at your own risk).

1. Ask if they've worked as a professional software developer? If not, enjoy them squirming as you subtle question why they're trying to train in things they don't understand.

2. If they do the penny flipping excerise, when it's your turn sweep all the pennys into a book, close the book, and flip it over and sweep the coins back out. You'll do the exercise 10 times faster than your coworkers and show them innovation is more important than agile.

3. When the agile training talks about splitting work down into small bits, as them what happens if there's a large chunk of work that can't be split down and has to be done in a large serial chunk. Think of as many examples as you can of this in the real world, and generally be a skeptical jerk when they tell you that any task can be broken down into tiny bits. If they're not technical, make sure you pick the most technical examples as possible, to further erode their credibility.

4. Bring a tub of single cell legos with you, and if they do the Lego excerise, ask them what to do if your team is given a tub of these and the other team (or your competition) is allowed to have broad-stretching legos.

Day 1 of Agile Training Recap

1. Understanding the why is critical. Why am I writing this piece of software?

2. After planning the acceptable criteria or what it means to be done should be clearly defined.

3. Scrum meetings are not a status meeting but a team meeting.

Day 2 of Agile Training Recap

1. What is the role of a product owner and a scrum master. Prioritize work, help the team with processes. "A good scrum master is working themselves out of a job"

2. What is an epic? Feature? Story? Task?

3. What are earned value metrics. How many story points are completed is very different than let's say DOORA metrics.

4. More stuff about story points.

5. 5. Take vertical slices not horizontal slices. Basically integrate up front.

Ask him what software he makes.

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