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Elon Musk: Threat Or Menace? Part 5 (dshr.org)
20 points by FabHK 20 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Absolutely a hit piece. Practically the first sentence;

“A driver who believed Autopilot could drive him home despite his being drunk. The car drove the wrong way on the highway and killed another innocent victim of Musk's hype.”

An absolutely absurd characterization of a drunk driver who operated their vehicle illegally and, surprise surprise, tried to pin the blame on someone else after committing vehicular manslaughter.

Hit piece. Flagged.

These are well considered facts that are part of a larger focus on Tesla and Musk's handling of the company.

Given the seemingly bizarre moves of late, I think it's interesting to get more context.

Under regular circumstances criticism is valuable, but it’s very difficult to tell what is valid vs what is concocted via the media hype cycles.

2 years ago it was “rocket man: bad”, now it’s “electric car man: bad”.

The ‘missteps’ pointed out by these who ‘know better’ are about the equivalent of someone who can beat three of their friends in chess deeming magnus carlsen a fool for playing moves they don’t have the faintest idea how to analyse or comprehend.

> it’s very difficult to tell what is valid vs what is concocted

The blog post contains many many links to sources.

> someone who can beat three of their friends in chess deeming magnus carlsen a fool for playing moves they don’t have the faintest idea how to analyse or comprehend.

If Magnus Carlsen runs around lying and killing people, I don't need to play 4-D chess better than him to judge him.

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