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Show HN: Talking+ Transform Anything into AI Virtual Pets (apps.apple.com)
4 points by Paulvu 15 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
Hello Hacker News community,

I'm excited to share a project I've been working on called Talking+. It's an app that lets you transform any object, plant, or animal into an interactive AI virtual pet. Using advanced AI and machine learning techniques, Talking+ allows users to snap a photo of virtually anything and watch as it turns into a customized AI companion. These AI pets can learn, respond, and evolve based on user interactions, providing a unique blend of entertainment and companionship.

Key features include:

AI Transformation: Convert any image into a live, interactive AI pet. Customization: Personalize your AI pets' appearances and behaviors. Interactive Communication: Engage in voice chats with your AI pets, seeing them respond in real-time. Learning and Growth: Watch as your AI pets develop personalities and skills based on how you interact with them. I built Talking+ to explore the possibilities of AI in everyday life and to provide a fun, engaging way to interact with technology. I'm eager to hear your feedback, suggestions, and ideas on how to improve or expand the app's capabilities.

Check it out and let me know what you think!

Here the video demo https://youtu.be/9-XQtjv6n5A?si=DHxvAFOoi5AduWxl thank you all.

What do you think about if I design it to be word game.

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