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Let AI take notes for you from your phone (flownote.ai)
4 points by chalupacaleb 15 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

What does paying for Pro provide that isn’t included in the free version? Free/Pro feature comparison isn’t included in the app description.

Hey there!

The free plan (default for all new users) is limited to 60 total minutes.

The Pro plan gives you unlimited time, transcription, and summarization.

Hello Hackers! I'm excited to announce that my project I've been working on, Flownote, is now live on the App store!

I thought I'd share the tech stack and how it's going so far.

First off, I built Flownote to solve my own problem (and likely yours too): I suck at multitasking, and I am not able to actually pay attention in meetings while simultaneously taking notes.

There are plenty of web and desktop options that are embedded into meetings, but I wanted to be able to record meetings/conversations from anywhere (not just my computer), but I couldn't find any simple AI transcription/summarization apps for iOS. Voice memos is an option, but listening back to recordings as a means of information recall is not ideal. So I solved this problem with Flownote.

• What is Flownote? Flownote is an iOS app that records your meetings and conversations, and instantly transcribes them and generates accurate, concise summaries. The transcript is highly accurate and includes speaker labels, timestamps, and can interpret 100+ languages. The summarization can capture key details like names, times, dates, follow-ups, and even action items for you and/or team members. And so you aren't locked in- you can easily export the summary, audio, or transcript as text or PDF to edit yourself or share with others.

• So what went into building Flownote? - App fully written in SwiftUI - Firebase for authentication, storage, and database - Firebase realtime listeners for real time updates from the db - Firebase cloud functions that execute the transcription and summarization functions - Assembly AI to transcribe the audio and detect the speakers - GPT-4 to generate summaries from the transcript

• How are you handling data and respecting privacy? - Data is stored in private database and is encrypted automatically by Firebase. - Only your audio file is sent through Assembly AI's api to get the transcript, and then OpenAI's api to get the summary. - Other than that, your data is not shared with anyone, and will NEVER be shared or sold. - You can easily delete your recordings or your account in the app at any time which instantly removes all data from storage and database.

• How long did it take you? - 2 months from 0 to launch building full time, just myself

• How's it going so far? - It's been a week since launching publicly - 250+ upvotes on Product Hunt - 500 daily active users as of today and many happy premium users.

• What's next for Flownote? - Just launched Folders- you can now organize your notes based on category (for example: "Work", "Personal", "Doctor Visits"). Coming soon: - Connections: Connect Notion, Evernote, Google Docs, Word to integrate into workflows. - Custom Summaries: Customize exactly how you want the app to summarize your meetings if you repeatedly need to extract certain information like action items if you are a product manager for example. - Share links: A way to share notes as a web page for your team or clients to view and interact with. - Desktop app: Auto-record meetings on your laptop. Note editing and better tools for power users.

Anyway, I would love any feedback on the product and direction, and happy to answer any questions you might have!

If you want to try it out, your first 60 minutes are totally free, and if you like it, you can easily upgrade to get unlimited time in the app.

Get it here: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/flownote-ai-note-taker/id65019...

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