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Interesting question. If you Mean it like intending to provoke more thinking, I answer: I don’t know. Would be interesting!

But if you mean it like you’re asking me then: discrete/or-not convolution of “sine waves” with wavelength p for each prime (and optionally prime powers), to give … well… I don’t know! Haha :) it would be interesting to try to create something.

Presumably, it leads to some function that can give information as to the next prime. I mean, you don’t need the FFT analogy or processing for that, but the hope is that somehow, through that process in the natural analog with convolving sine waves, you get, a sort of advantage that let you predict the next prime with less information, somehow or somehow advantageous. Haha! :)

The nodes are multiples, the and the spots where none of waves go to zero are primes (because they haven’t been landed on by any of the previous waves), and at any spot the prime-power waves that land at zero are the factors. You can only get unique factors not the factorization with powers if you don’t make waves/multiples of the prime powers.

But I don’t think I know what you mean by negative space - it sounds interesting. What do you mean by that?

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