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“Let’s give away more money to people that have already gotten a massive windfall in homes some crumbs fall down to everyone else.”

Somehow I’m not enthusiastic about this proposal.

Canada does this. 100% of primary home profit is tax free, even if it’s in the millions.

They also don’t tax lottery winnings.

I’m not a huge fan of high taxes but it would seem to me not taxing either of groups makes and putting the burden on wage earners makes no sense at all.

Lotto winners I can see. Given that it’s a government scheme and they are already making a hefty profit, tax on top seems like double dipping.

Really? It's literally money won through a game. It would seem taxing it heavily makes more sense than telling someone working 40 hours a week at $15/hr they should be paying taxes instead.

If it was a game run by anyone else, sure. But in this case you pay the tax by buying the ticket.

FWIW I think it's rather immoral for governments to run lottos to begin with.

Sure the government raises some taxes through the lottery, but there is no reason why it can't be more.

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