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more than the effect of deepfakes, I fear the accusation of deepfakes / plausible deniability from claiming deepfakery rocking being a substantial issue. Like politicians screaming "fake news" media

"Fake News" is an interesting front in a psychological war.

It was coined initially during Barack Obama's administration, shortly after Wikileaks released the Podesta emails. The first public use of the term was by Obama himself, warning people to be wary of non-mainstream or non-state-endorsed media outlets.

Within weeks, Donald Trump had begun using the term with almost the exact opposite definition, successfully twisting the meaning to be yet another name for MSM outlets, to the point that society at large now credits the term with the Republican/MAGA political machine.

Since then, we've seen many terms lose their original meaning and intent. "Woke" was once a term championed amongst the far-left until it too was co-opted into derogation.

Are we seeing the begining of a similar trend for "deepfake"?

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