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The original Warcraft 2 story page (1996~7) (nathandemick.com)
4 points by Lammy 13 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment


A few of the story links (the ones to the gatech.edu domain) seem to be broken and were not archived in Wayback Machine. I call this out because the very newest story link (“I had a Partner, Right?”) is one of the broken ones and might cause people to bounce from the page. The vast majority of story links do work!

I assume the various authors' habit of abbreviating the name of the game to “War 2” stems from the game executable's name, `WAR2.EXE`. Eight-dot-three strikes again :)

Kali is the IPX-tunneling software they were using to enable WAN play. The “Battle.net Edition” of WAR2 wouldn't come out until 1999, after StarCraft and Brood War: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kali_(software)

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