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You’ve made a big assumption about being on the same file system there. We had a CI job that was spending an awful lot of time in fetching cached artifacts.

We investigated and it turns out that CI was pulling to %TMP%, but we were actual executing the builds on a separate EBS volume meaning we downloaded and wrote to an EBS volume, then had to copy it to another remote volume, it was super easy to spot on windows, but I’m not sure I would have twigged it as easily if we were moving from /tmp to /data/dira

Sure, but you're probably not using PeaZip (which is primarily a GUI front-end for existing compression tools) in CI or containerized environments. For those situations there are specialized tools which are more appropriate.

I’m not in this case, but if something writes to /tmp and then copies it to /data, there is no guarantee that they are on the same device or even network.

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