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From my perspective, food delivery apps have always been in the category of an extreme luxury, and I’m still somewhat shocked how many people seem to consider them as something to use on a regular basis.

I find them useful for placing an order in advance if I really want takeout, but then I go pick it up (I know there are still fees involved when ordering through an app, but I’ll often use the app just for the menu and call the restaurant directly to place the order). At that point I’m usually ready for a break in whatever I’m doing anyway.

But for people who order regularly, being able to cook and feed yourself is an essential life skill that should not be replaced by getting food delivery all the time.

re: "From my perspective, food delivery apps have always been in the category of an extreme luxury":

Of course it is! I am in my 70s and well off financially and I only use food delivery in the rare event both my wife and I are ill at the same time.

I find it a pleasure to run out to get takeout food, or more usually stop by my local produce store or local market and get something to make dinner. I am a very busy person, and at the end of each day I have never had enough time to do everything I wanted to do that day, but still spending 20 minutes to get food, a little more time to cook a tasty meal (or more rarely get take out food) just seems like one of the basic enjoyable things in life not to be missed.

Is this a generational thing? Do younger people just not enjoy going to a farmer's market, to a local health food store, cook, etc.? I am not being judgmental, just curious.

Some traditional city delivery services like the local Chinese restaurant may be somewhat reasonable but I have literally never used one of the app-enabled delivery services nor been tempted to do so. I feel like there are a bunch of basically luxury services that have been normalized.

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