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so, it's a https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farey_sequence (aka mediant, aka naive fraction sum for approximation) but for angles?

It is not, because the subdivisions in CORDIC do not possess the best approximation properties of Farey fractions. For that, you would have to partition the circle into major/minor arcs instead, in the sense of Hardy-Littlewood's circle method. But that would be computationally very expensive, whereas this binary subdivision is fast, and is made faster using the shift-add tricks.

i see. thanks. assumed it was just bit shift tricks implementation. but indeed, no mediant.

More like a binary search, but instead of adjusting an array index you're iterating an orthonormal matrix which represents rotation about the origin.

Or a second order step response.

That’s super cool

Thank you for that link, very interesting diagrams and structures

They look very similar to what a neural network might be in certain cases, and it seems like the structures are trying to map some sort of duality

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