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This is probably a country specific thing. In France the vegetables will be right in the center of the shop.

The butcher/cheese/fish section can be anywhere, it depends on the shop.

Regardless, the point remains. Peanut butter is never fresh if it's in a grocery store. If you want fresh peanut butter, you'll need to find a way to buy it unsealed within the day made from the manufacturer or make it yourself.

Really, fresh peanut butter would really just be blended fresh peanuts until it reaches the consistency you want. That's a lot easier to do than making your own salad dressing.

I am not sure how this applies to my comment, but I agree that if peanut butter is so simple to make then it is best to do it yourself (we do not use peanut butter and it is not sold in normal supermarkets here so I am glad to have learnt something :))

I did at one time grind peanuts(not fresh) with Bamix... It is not actually too fast process. I would say that some salad dressings are much less work. At least without proper tooling.

Still, now I wonder what exactly would be "fresh" peanut?

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