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Jetson One (jetson.com)
19 points by tempestn 29 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 14 comments

The blades being out in the open concerns me, but I get it. Cutting costs wherever possible is needed for a v1 startup product.

Probably more about cutting weight than cutting cost. Airplane props and helicopter blades are also out in the open.

"Cutting costs by cutting heads"

No drivers license required.

Land of the free sometimes still lives up to it's name.

FYI I can't find a video of it hovering more than about twelve feet off the ground. Seems it's got a long way to go.

Mhm, I don't really understand their target audience, because looking at their videos a fast dune buggy looks like a lot more fun.

The Top Comment on their launch video [0] summarizes it well IMO:

"I can’t wait to sell my house so I can afford this. I have always wanted to go very slow very close to the ground for a very short distance."

[0] https://youtube.com/watch?v=FzhREYOK0oo

What's the decibel output? I'd imagine a few of these in my neighborhood would put the cicadapocalypse to shame.

“Flying Cars Are Here, And You Can Buy This One For Less Than $100,000” - Forbes

Total Price: $128,000


"This is the $92k Jetson ONE: the people’s helicopter" - TopGear

Seems like this vehicle was once $36k cheaper

People pay more for ugly trucks. Average car is almost half of this. Seems quite cheap if you can actually make it work for you, not just a toy.

If two of the eight motors fails do you crash and burn?

Well considering the "Safety is our priority" section says it can fly with the loss of one motor I'd assume 2 motors lost is a life changing event.

They say it also has a ballistic parachute.

Which isn't going to do you a lot of good 20-30, even 100 feet off the ground.

Powered flight in our lifetimes!

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