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I agree, it's also supremely obnoxious that upgrading a piece of software means losing a lot of functionality - unless the user knows s/he needs to replace the package with the -full version..

Wahey, isn't that what MS does with e.g. Outlook. Congrats Debian, you're reaching Microsoft's level!

I agree that is unfortunate however I would argue the package should have been built that way in the first place. It's not the best thing to do now but better late than never. I wonder if the Debian maintainer would consider some sort of transactional package which brings in the new package if you had the original one installed. However, as someone who has used Keepass and did not realise it had all these extra functionalities, I think the assessment that most users will see no difference is ultimately closer to the truth than many people realise. I migrated away from Keepass specifically because I thought it had no network functions which makes all this drama especially ironic for a software that was marketed (at the time) as a password manager to keep on your own device and not someone else's machine.

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