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I share your frustration because comments like that show up in every thread about open source.

By putting something out into the world you're creating connections with others. If people like what you've built and start to rely on it then that puts power into your hands, and any time you have power over others it should be wielded responsibly.

Volunteering doesn't give people a pass to screw over others.

And who decides "responsible"? The mantainer made the decision of defaulting to no-network for safety reasons, that users can reverse with a flag. This sounds responsible enough for me.

I bet that if a bug is found in the connection API and passwords leak, we would impale the head of the mantainer in a pike for not defaulting to safe mode, or to have connection at all.

And the software authors made it clear that those features, even if compiled in, are disabled by default and the code never executes.

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