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This. So much this. I don't even understand how browser integrations are not universally thought as a core part of a password manager. With all the phishing that's going along, it's really the last line of defense.

Oh and I'm not only talking about elderly relatives and such. Modern phishings are very very well made, and there's one going on to steal Steam accounts that I would have likely fell for (and I consider myself pretty good on the matter).

I'm replying just to +1 this as well. This has saved me multiple times not from phishing attacks but from simple mistakes such as entering a password into a HTTP page when the website supports HTTPS.

Often I'm just browsing along and try to get KeepassXC to autofill a password only to be frustrated when it refuses to work. Then the frustration turns to relief when I go into KeepassXC and see that I've entered "https://website.com" into KeepassXC's URL box causing KeepassXC to only autofill the password on the HTTPS variant of the website and I was on the HTTP variant of the page.

Obviously it's best for the website to just setup HSTS, but I can't fix that for them.

I previously used auto-type and always thought browser extensions were insecure until I realized this.

It's not like the clipboard is secure either. Any arbitrary app can listen to the clipboard in X11, and while it seems harder in Wayland, I'm not sure if I've ever seen a clipboard permission dialog (my Wayland experience is limited though).

Turning off the browser intergation means that the user may accidentally auto-type into the wrong website. Turning off auto-type means that external applications can see the password.

With Wayland, the compositor gets to decide which clients to send the "clipboard data available to paste from this file descriptor" event to (wl_data_offer). For example the compositor might only send it to the client whose window is currently focused. So clients that don't receive this event would not have the fd to be able to read from it. Clients that do receive the event can read that data without any restrictions.

That said, this ends up also making this like clipboard managers or wl-paste not work, so there is a wlroots protocol (wlr_data_control) that lets the client know about all data offers. How is a malicious process prevented from being a client of this interface (or even should a process be prevented...) depends on the compositor.

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