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> calling your upstream "crappy"[0] is probably not the most productive way for package maintainer to act

This is so incredibly rude to post on the github it'd make me reconsider using Debian at all if I did. If the package is so full of "crappy" features why is he even bothering to maintain it? Just get rid of it and let users figure out how to install it properly themselves.

I feel bad for KeepassXC devs, maintaining an open source project is hard enough without having to deal with crap like this.

TBF he's a canonical employee, not a debian employee, he's paid to maintain Ubuntu packages, but volunteers for the debian ones, so I'd be more side-eyeing Ubuntu first.

But then I gave up on debian a while ago because of some of their more questionable decisions.

Interesting, what are some examples of questionable decisions?

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