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Can someone make a security related case for disabling autotype?

Yeah that makes no sense, if anything I'd keep autotype and prevent copy password

"If hit by mistake it might autotype in a window that is not at a login prompt, but maybe on a chat session and broadcast the user's password"

It's horseshit, but it's an argument

lets see what it does here...


edit: well, I guess it didn't broadcast the password, but it probably would have done on a real chat window that accepted multiple lines of input

That's actually reasonable. I use keepassxc, and I have messed the autotype many times. But I mean, that is not an argument for disabling the feature.

I'd assume it would only put the password in a type="password" input, not a random text box.

No, autotype does what it says, it simulates typing keys without looking at the screen

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