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The default package should be named keepassxc-debian-limited or similar and the proper package should be keepassxc

It's the tyranny inherent to dependency-hell monolithic package management. nix avoids this problem by permitting multiple versions and flexible configurations of the same package.

Use JohnTHallerNix and it can be. Debian is again taking care of their users. Unlike upstream, Which isn't new. Did he do it in the best way? No. Did he do the right thing? Absolutely.

OK? that has nothing to do with what I was correcting:

> IMHO is a downstream maintainer is going to change a package in a way that doesn't have the intent of the upstream project, it should be published under a different name and that maintainer deal with all bug reports caused by their modified version.

the downstream maintainer didn't "change a package in a way that doesn't have the intent of the upstream project", they altered the config flags in one package and made another with the previous flags. the maintainer is being a dick, but not in the way the OP suggested.

> the downstream maintainer didn't "change a package in a way that doesn't have the intent of the upstream project", they altered the config flags in one package and made another with the previous flags.

They altered the config flags in a way that doesn't have the intent of the upstream project. And I would classify build config changes as a subset of "changing a package".

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