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Many people don’t tip, and tippers are subsidizing those assholes via lower menu prices.

Nope. Their employers are not paying them full wage. That's the problem. Tippers are subsidizing the restaurant owners and enabling the practice while feeling righteous about their destructive behavior.

Of course the best behavior is to completely avoid any place of business that runs on tipping when possible.

You didn’t counter my point.

Restaurant X outlaws tipping and raises prices to enable wait staff to make the same income. Now non tippers are paying more money and tippers pay less.

Yes, you're right. I didn't counter that point because it was immaterial (of course the cost of the meal has to be paid). I was countering your assertion that not tipping made people assholes by pointing out the destructive and unethical effects of tipping.

If you grew up under an unethical system and had to muddle through it it is not honor to try to force the same broken system on all others just because you endured painful experiences. It's nasty.

I boycott tipping restaurants on ethical grounds. Voluntarily exploiting a broken system for your personal benefit makes you an asshole.

This isn’t the days of slavery where buying food required you to support an unethical system, you can go to a non tipping fast food joint, cook your own food, etc.

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