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The web you enjoy today would simply not exist without advertising.

I don't enjoy the web today; I curse the way it has been enshittified. I accept that, because I live in a society, much of what is necessary is currently most frictionlessly accomplished in this psychologically manipulative hellscape.

I enjoyed the web of 3 decades ago, prior to advertising.

The web of 3 decades ago, so 1994, when the entire web was 3,000 websites?

I feel like the world has collectively forgotten that the web has virtually always been ad-supported. The entire dot com boom and bust was all about ads, and -that- started in 1995.

If you want that 1994 web feeling again, BBSs are alive and well

Yes, the web of 3 decades ago. The pre-advertising web. When there were barriers to entry. When there weren't bots, driven by profit motives.

I don't know why you continue to debate my lived experiences and personal preferences.

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