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I'm not sure how you came to that conclusion? If you had a functioning body part and could swap with another person that would still be cutting off a functioning body part. Just because you got another functional body part doesn't change anything.

If it becomes possible in the future to just swap body parts with no issues, it would probably be less controversial, but I don't think it would really be accepted. The problem is the current sex change operations are no where close to that. You can't just flip back and forth and have all your parts remain fully functional.

There is, of course an exception and that is with organ donation. That however only happens when the person who is removing the functioning part does not need theirs which can happen because they are dead, there is an extra one (kidney), or it will grow back (liver). This, of course, is not the same type of thing as we are talking about.

Why are my private bits any of your business anyway? Don't reproductive rights go both ways? I can't even have children of my own anyway since I'm married to a woman. But it all comes back to how useful I am to a cishet guy? Either I'm someone's fetish or a baby-making machine.

> Why are my private bits any of your business anyway?

I think, and most people probably agree with me, that cutting off perfectly good body parts is not acceptable regardless if they are your private bits. Bringing up the private bits instead of a generic body part is attempting to make it emotional.

If somebody wants to cut off their healthy foot, people do not find that acceptable. Doctors are supposed to do no harm and cutting off the foot would be doing harm. I think most of us like the idea of doctors being there to heal us, not harm us.

Society believes in restricting what people can do with their body even if no harm comes to others. Maybe you think that is dumb, but most of society disagrees.

Here is an extreme example. We believe drunk driving should be illegal even if nobody is harmed. We don't like that behavior so we ban it. How many people complain about that?

> Don't reproductive rights go both ways?

Of course they don't. Men have no right to abort without the woman's consent. Men also cannot just give up rights to their children if they don't want to pay child support.

What makes you think we as a society want reproductive rights not being universal? Do you want men to be allowed to force the woman they impregnated to get an abortion? If not, then reproductive rights cannot be universal.

Once you start blocking reproductive rights one way you will have a difficult time stopping it in another area. Either men have to be able to give up rights to their children or society should be allowed to restrict other rights.

It sounds like you also have some sort of notion that you have a right to have a kid or something like that. I am dubious of such an argument. Could you explain why you think you have such a right?

> But it all comes back to how useful I am to a cishet guy? Either I'm someone's fetish or a baby-making machine.

Nobody said anything close to that. Please do not read into my statement anything more than the exact words.

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